Fine Fertichem
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UMA-50 works simultaneously as :

1) Granulating aid
2) Anti-Caking Agent
3) Dedusting Agent
4) Prill Toughening Agent.
UMA-50 works as a distinct granulating aid in Urea production, as seen from comparative position given below:
without UMA-50
Addition of UMA-50 (1-1.4%)
Powder formation
Less Than 3%
Granules size of prills +0.25mm to +2.00mm
UM A-50 works also as Anti-caking agent. Consequent to very low production of powder because of the use of UMA-50, moisture absorption in urea prills is greatly reduced. The prills become solid without any porosity and thus become much more resistant to moisture absorption, than the prills produced without the additive.
Nothing is visible inside a prilling tower when the prilling process is on because of dense cloud of urea dust. But use of the additive UMA-50 removes the dust cloud altogether and the visibility is so good that even the conveyor belt at the bottom of the tower can be seen with the naked eye from the top of the tower. Then the cloud of the urea conning out from the air exhaust system fitted on top of the prilling tower, causing panic in the environment by its ammonia smell is eliminated by the use of UMA-50 additive. At the same time, it saves of urea going out daily in the air as powder. This saving alone is enough to cover full cost of the additives.

Another positive and cost-saving effect of dust elimination by UMA-50 is reduction in lump formation on or around the walls of the prilling tower which in turn means less loss of material and saving in recycling cost.
Urea prills without additives easily become powder even on little pressure or rubbing. With the use of UMA-50, they become tough and resistance to breaking into powder at pressures encountered in loading, transit, storage at the factory and distribution centres.
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Potassium Nitrate
Mono Ammonium Phosphate
Potassium Sulphate
Mono Potassium Phosphate
Zinc Sulphate
Magnesium Nitrate
Magnesium Sulphate
Potassium Thio Sulphate
Speciality Chemicals
Anticaking Agent
Colouring Agent
Urea Melt Additive
Urea Anticaking Agent
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